Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I shall return, but not this time.

I apologize for not updating guys, between my painkiller-induced haze (finally over), and just... life, I haven't taken care of some things in a while. I've made the decision to wait until next time to start this project.

There are a couple reasons, but the most important is that my mouth still has another week or two to heal enough to eat regularly again, and I will have missed an entire month of the diet, and I honestly would rather complete this project properly. When I started, I thought "sure, yeah, it'll heal up in a week, I'll be fine", and "I'll just blender everything!". Turns out- everything doesn't taste good blended, every day, every meal. Like, fracking terrible. I'd rather sit tight and let it heal right than delay the process.

It's been awesome working with you guys, and I'm going to continue running on a regular basis again, my mouth is almost capable of such things. You'll be able to see my new blog when the next group or two rolls around.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 10

Been slacking on getting a ping pong ball... we'll see what I can do about that.

Took me until about 8PM tonight to feel up to the challenge of today's workout. The need for sleep and the painkillers are still heavily wearing me out. Not being able to eat everything properly sucks quite a lot also. On like, day 3 of this wisdom tooth escapade, I got a carrot piece stuck straight into the tooth socket on my lower-right jaw. NOT FUN. So yeah, pretty much just drinking protein shakes with fruit, and trying to work vegetables in, but it's hard unless they're blended into drink form. I can't drink V8 either, because it contains a year's worth of salt.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day [9]

Today's title includes a homage to one of the greatest StarCraft II gamers ever.

I did my workout today! It was rough, and only at the end, after I couldn't focus on my meditation, did I realize that I forgot about the situps. Ah well, ya win some, ya lose some. I'm so fracking exhausted now.. time to get in bed. My body easily took 10 hours of sleep last night. I'm sure it'll happily take 12 more.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 8

Still having low energy and spurts of nausea from the tooth pull. Gums are furiously trying to heal.

I may miss a bit in the first couple days here, but I'm sure in another week I'll be doing fine.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 7

One week in! Gotta buy a ball tonight for the punching test. Did the full ten minutes of stretches today. My friend Laura was visiting and I had her try, but she had to stop after five. The meditation was nice, it was enjoyable to sit and think for a full ten minutes and I found myself stop thinking about the time after a while.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 6

Alright, day 6!

Laura didn't arrive until 2 AM, so I didn't end up getting yesterday's workout done. By the time I expected to do it alone, I was far too exhausted and the vicodin had me drowsy.

This morning it went great though. I did the minimum, but kept up. For jumps I was clenching my retainers. I have to say, after just sprinting to the bus, I feel ready to pass out writing this.

Almost capable of chewing again, and probably just in time for the real diet!

From now on, this black dot at the bottom means it's a mobile post.

Location:Main St,South Burlington,United States

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 5

Skipped workout this morning, felt WAAYYYYY too woozy from the pain meds to do anything requiring coordination. Saving it for this evening. My friend is visiting, and I'm gonna show her what the workouts involve. So it works out, assuming I don't fall on my ass. I'll keep you updated. I also have BlogPress installed on my iPhone now, so I can easily blog on the go.